Monday, February 29, 2016

Understanding Lyme Disease in NB Speaker: Bob Doucet

Robert Doucet (Hampton, NB)

Former Land Survey Technician for the NB Department of Natural Resources
Robert’s health began to decline in fall 2002. After much suffering, Robert was eventually diagnosed with Lyme, and has since set out to promote Lyme education.
He was also selected by the regional chief medical officer for the city of St. John, N.B. to sit on the “Climate Change and Lyme Disease” committee for Milledgeville Area (an endemic Lyme area). Robert also works closely with New Brunswick’s health authorities to promote Lyme awareness

The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) was formed to provide the public, including medical professionals, with balanced and validated information on Lyme disease and related coinfections.

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Display Table Theme: Easter
Seed Exchange
50/50 draw
Memberships available: single $20, family $30
Sign-up for Workshop: 3-tier cedar step shelf ( $40 – 45 )
2016 Bus Trip – get all the details!
We are not buried in snow and spring is coming, so join us on Wednesday evening.

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