Thursday, April 22, 2021

May 5 Monthly Meeting -James Goltz -The Evolution of Fredericton's Botanic Garden


James Goltz -The Evolution of Fredericton's Botanic Garden 

James Goltz, a very keen naturalist and Past President of the Fredericton Botanic Garden and has devoted his time to volunteering in the Garden and will be speaking on The Evolution of Fredericton's Botanic Garden 

The Fredericton Botanic Garden is a non-profit charitable volunteer-based entity that has been in existence for over 30 years and is situated on a 52-acre parcel of land owned by the City of Fredericton.  Despite challenges to acquire the kind of resources that would enable the development of costly and grandiose gardens on this site, nine new gardens have been created and developed in the past 3 years thanks to resourcefulness, creativity, and many dedicated volunteers, members and supporters.  Find out how we are realizing our dreams and continuing to evolve.

This meeting will be held via zoom to Garden Clubs, and the link will be sent out via e-mail.

Friday, April 2, 2021

April 2021- Fundy Gardeners Monthly Meeting- Zoom Meeting


A zoom link will be sent to members.

Frankie Flowers is back!
Frank Ferragine, alias Frankie Flowers, will be our quest speaker at our April Zoom meeting.
Wednesday, April 7,  7 pm.
Topic: CONTAINED EXCITEMENT: Container trends, best annuals for pots, how to make your pot from good to blooming great!
Members may remember seeing Frankie Flowers as our keynote speaker at the Garden of Dreams 2013 event.
Frankie is an experienced horticulturist associated with his family's business, Bradford Greenhouses, in Bradford, Ontario.
He is the author of four gardening books and twice has been named Landscape Ontario's Garden Communicator of the Year.
He is a popular TV host and weather presenter on City TV. 
Follow him on Facebook; he hosts a very popular weekly question and answer show.
Think Spring, Pat