Friday, November 29, 2019


AT 6:30 PM
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.

Just a reminder to bring your own:
Plate, utensils, glass/mug, napkin

Potluck contribution- if bringing a main dish-salad, casserole etc. please divide into two portions. One plated desserts are fine.

Bring a Centrepiece for your table, if desired

Gift for Christmas exchange ( $15 or less) if desired

The following will be provided:
Turkey and Ham
Tea, coffee, cream/milk and sugar

Thanks to Elaine and Dave for coordinating our party this year.

Also, thank you to those who have volunteered to help with set up at 4:30

Thanking those in advance who will volunteer to clean up.


· Don't forget to wear your name tag!
· 2020 memberships will be sold-single $20, family $30. Please do this early so Paula can enjoy her meal!
· 50/50 draw

Hope to see everyone on December 4th

Monday, November 4, 2019

Fundy Gardeners Meet at 7 PM Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Fundy Gardeners Meet at 7 PM
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
St. James the Less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.

Speaker:    Adam Cheeseman, Director of Conservation for Nature NB
Topic:         Climate change and its implications for the home gardener
·       AGM will be held after the break.
·       2020 memberships will be sold before the meeting from 6:30 – 7:00 and during the break after the Guest Speaker. (single $20/family $30).
·       50/50 Draw-Thanks to Lynn Matthews for volunteering for our November Meeting.
·       Refreshments-Thanks to Alison Hannah, Verna Mills, Connie Titus and Elaine Brown.
·       Upcoming workshop
o   A Natural Winter Design with a Surprise
o   Date: November 20, 2019
o   Times: 2:30 – 4:30 or 6:30 – 8:30
o   Location- Shades of Green, Ketepec
o   Cost $30.00 Attendance confirmed and payment at the Nov. 6 meeting.

Don’t forget to wear your name tag!