St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
This will be Part 1 of a 3 part series presented by Kate Frego, with part 2 in November, and part 3 in 2019.
· 50/50 Draw
2018 Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple. REMEMBER - to win a door prize you need a 2018 #.
· Gardening Bags - we still have 6 left so if you want one see Pat McGill at Wednesday's meeting - cost is $15/bag.. Size is 15 inches high and 48 inches in diameter
· Spring Book Sale - don't forget to bring along any gardening book/magazines and/or novels that you have enjoyed to share. DVD's and CD's accepted as well!
- Hardcover - $2.00
- Soft cover - $1.00
- Magazines - 50¢
If possible bring your books before the meeting - 6:30 onwards…and don't forget your cash to do some shopping!
· Fundy Gardener's Mystery Bus Trip - June 23
Jan Wilshaw will be collecting your $$ for our exciting MYSTERY TOUR - we'll depart at 07:30 am on June 23 for an "all day" adventure. Depending on the numbers interested -up to 24 Fundy Gardeners- the cost will be $55 or $60.00 (if we take the 19 passenger bus). This includes: bus fare, snacks, a healthy organic lunch, …and so much more! Please bring your cheque or
cash in the amount of $55 to secure your seat!!! As seating is limited this is being offered to Fundy Gardeners only at this time.
· As last month everyone seemed to bring along treats let's hope it happens again as only Connie Titus has signed up for food- thanks in advance Connie!
· Wear your 2018 name tag as we have many new members and this is how we get to know one another.
· As the March minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
· In the event of stormy weather and you're wondering if the meeting has been cancelled, please check either our Fundy Gardener Blog - or the Fundy Gardener Facebook page.
If the meeting has been cancelled it will be posted at both sites by 6 PM.
Let's hope the weather co-operates and I'll see everyone on April 4th.