AT 6:30 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
Just a reminder to bring your own:
Plate, utensils, glass/mug, napkin
Potluck contribution
Centrepiece for your table, if desired
Gift for Christmas exchange( $15 or less) if desired
The following will be provided:
Turkey, Ham and Pork
Tea, coffee, cream/milk and sugar
Thanks to Elaine for coordinating our party again this year.
Also, thank you to those who have volunteered to help with set up at 4:30: Bob Perry, Jan Wilshaw, Jane Toward, Carolyn Burke, Peter and Lynn Kinsella and Ruth Rayburn
Thanking those in advance who will volunteer to clean up.
* Don't forget to wear your name tag!
* 2019 memberships will be sold from 6:00-6:30pm
* single $20/family $30.
* 50/50 draw
Hope to see everyone on December 5th
Suzanne and Bonnie
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Monday, November 5, 2018
FUNDY GARDENERS MEET AT 7 PM Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
Speaker: Dr. Kate Frego
Topic: - Part 2 of Exploring our Roots - this month It's "stems"
Show and Tell Table – please share any gardening tips, happenings, blooms etc. from your gardens
50/50 Draw
November Book Sale - don't forget to bring along any gardening book/magazines and/or novels that you have enjoyed to share.
Hardcover - $2.00
Soft cover - $1.00
Magazines - 50¢
If possible bring your books before the meeting - 6:30 onwards
Greenery Workshop - outdoor pot with Barb McKelvey
at Shades of Green, 2483 Westfield Rd., Morna
Date: Wednesday November 21 at 2:30 – 4:30 pm or 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Storm date: Thursday, Nov. 22, same place and times
Fee: $ 30 must be paid at the Nov. 1 meeting
There are currently 16 members signed up for the 2:30 class and 10 for the evening class. Please pay Sharon if you're in the daytime class and Connie if you're in the evening class - they will be set up at a table Wed. night.
In the past our members have made really lovely outdoor arrangements!!
- This month's refreshments are thanks to Suzanne Bonnell, Gwen Henry and Elaine Brown.
- As the minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
- Don't forget to wear your name tag!
- 2019 memberships will be sold - single $20/family $30.
- Jane LeBlanc will have a calendar of beautiful St. Martins for sale for anyone interested - $16.00 - please have cash.
- AGM following break
Monday, October 1, 2018
Guest speaker is Freeman Patterson Gardener, Photographer, Author and Educator. Freeman is a Fundy Gardener member who lives at Shamper's Bluff on the Kingston Peninsula. A 250-acre property which he donated to Nature Conservancy of Canada which serves as a conservancy for an ecological reserve and an education area. Behind then the main house is surrounded by a unique collection of Rodendens, Azaleas, and natural ferns all set in a native woodland garden. On the front of the property are vast fields with wildflowers and mowed paths in which a gardener or photographer to meander.
Freeman co-founded the Namaqualand Photographic Workshops in 1984 and had been teaching each year as well as workshops in the United States, Israel, New Zealand and Australia mainly in the winter months and returns home each spring to work in the garden and continue local Photographic Workshops
Open to current members only.
Freeman co-founded the Namaqualand Photographic Workshops in 1984 and had been teaching each year as well as workshops in the United States, Israel, New Zealand and Australia mainly in the winter months and returns home each spring to work in the garden and continue local Photographic Workshops
Open to current members only.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Fundy Gardeners Meeting Sept 5, 2018
The Gardens of Claude Monet + other European Gardens
Brian Hudson World traveler and Fundy Gardener member.
Floral Arrangement -Monet inspired arrangement
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Desert Squares
Just in case you have a desire for a nice desert which was offered at the one of the Garden Club meetings. Suzanne Bonnells squares.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Meeting August 1-Growing, Storing & Preserving the bounty of your vegetable garden
Monday, June 25, 2018
Guest Speaker July 2018 - George McPhail -Everything coming up Roses
George MacPhail has spent 35 years growing roses and doesn’t
just grow fragrant rose gardens; he
creates beautiful new flowers. While the fruits of his labour may seem magical,
they are really the result of tremendous
patience, hard work and endless trial and error.
MacPhail has bred varieties of roses that are not unique, but that he claims are
disease-resistant and hardy enough to survive Nova Scotia’s tough climate.
You can find MacPhail’s roses growing in hundreds of gardens
around Nova Scotia.
Monday, June 11, 2018
Monday, June 4, 2018
Fundy Gardeners Meeting June 6th, 2018 -7 PM
Fundy Gardeners
Meeting June 6th, 2018 -7 PM
James the less Church, 1760
Rothesay Rd.
- Speaker: Iain Jack - Fernwood Plant Nursery. Iain's nursery has a lovely selection of ferns which are hardy to our area. Check out his website at:
He will have plants for
sale at the meeting so bring $$$.
- Topic: The History of Ferns
- Display Table Theme - It's all about FERNS!! - get creative and bring along something made by you….remember there are 2 chances to win a prize!
50/50 Draw
- Door prizes - REMEMBER - to win a door prize you need a 2018 #.
2018 Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple.
- Gardening Bags - due to the popularity of our gardening bags, we will place an additional order - this will be your last opportunity to order a bag as the owner is closing her business this month. If you wish to purchase one please see Pat McGill at Wednesday's meeting - cost is $15/bag.. We expect to have the bags available at the July meeting.
Size is 15 inches high and 48
inches in diameter
- Fundy Gardener's Mystery Bus Trip - June 23
For the 24
going on our Mystery Bus Tour - we'll depart at 07:30 am on June 23 from the
Rothesay Superstore parking lot for our "all day" adventure!! You'll
be receiving an email very shortly with more trip info - we are just waiting
for some final details to be confirmed.
- This month thanks to Elaine Hooper, Ann Evans and Emma McLean refreshments will be served - thanks in advance Ladies!
- Wear your 2018 name tag as we have many new members and this is how we get to know one another.
- As the May minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
you all on Wednesday. June 6…until then "happy gardening"!
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Fundy Gardeners Meeting May 2nd, 2018 -7 PM
Fundy Gardeners Meeting May 2nd, 2018 -7 PM
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
Speaker: Garth Davey - if you were on the PEI Bus Trip 2016, it was Garth's beautiful garden where we enjoyed our strawberry shortcake.
Topic: " Mass Plantings" for the border and flower gardens!
Display Table Theme - starting this month and for the next 6 months we'll once again have our display table. Our theme in May will be a "Spring Arrangement"! Please walk around your garden and see what beauty is just waiting for you to create a lovely arrangement. Two winners will be chosen!
· 50/50 Draw
Door prizes - REMEMBER - to win a door prize you need a 2018 #. 2018 Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple
Gardening Bags - we still have 1-2 bags left so if you want one see Pat McGill at Wednesday's meeting - cost is $15/bag.. Size is 15 inches high and 48 inches in diameter
Fundy Gardener's Mystery Bus Trip - June 23
ONE SEAT LEFT!!!!! If you'd like to be the lucky one to sit in it, Jan Wilshaw will collect your $55.00 on Wednesday night!!
TOUR - we'll depart at 07:30 am on June 23 for an "all day" adventure. Your payment of $55 includes: bus fare, snacks, a healthy organic lunch, …and so much more!
This month thanks to Diane Reid, Joanne Thompson, Karen Savoy and O'Rida Savoie refreshments will be served - thanks in advance Ladies!
Wear your 2018 name tag as we have many new members and this is how we get to know one another.
As the April minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
I'll see everyone on May 2nd…until then - get your hands dirty!
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
Speaker: Garth Davey - if you were on the PEI Bus Trip 2016, it was Garth's beautiful garden where we enjoyed our strawberry shortcake.
Topic: " Mass Plantings" for the border and flower gardens!
Display Table Theme - starting this month and for the next 6 months we'll once again have our display table. Our theme in May will be a "Spring Arrangement"! Please walk around your garden and see what beauty is just waiting for you to create a lovely arrangement. Two winners will be chosen!
· 50/50 Draw
Door prizes - REMEMBER - to win a door prize you need a 2018 #. 2018 Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple
Gardening Bags - we still have 1-2 bags left so if you want one see Pat McGill at Wednesday's meeting - cost is $15/bag.. Size is 15 inches high and 48 inches in diameter
Fundy Gardener's Mystery Bus Trip - June 23
ONE SEAT LEFT!!!!! If you'd like to be the lucky one to sit in it, Jan Wilshaw will collect your $55.00 on Wednesday night!!
TOUR - we'll depart at 07:30 am on June 23 for an "all day" adventure. Your payment of $55 includes: bus fare, snacks, a healthy organic lunch, …and so much more!
This month thanks to Diane Reid, Joanne Thompson, Karen Savoy and O'Rida Savoie refreshments will be served - thanks in advance Ladies!
Wear your 2018 name tag as we have many new members and this is how we get to know one another.
As the April minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
I'll see everyone on May 2nd…until then - get your hands dirty!
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Fundy Gardeners Meeting April 4th, 2018 -7 PM
Fundy Gardeners Meeting April 4th, 2018 -7 PM
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
Speaker: Dr. Kate Frego - this is a change due to unavailability of Amanda Marlin from EOS-ECO ENERGY
· Topic: " Exploring Our Roots" - that's plants, not ancestral!
This will be Part 1 of a 3 part series presented by Kate Frego, with part 2 in November, and part 3 in 2019.
· 50/50 Draw
2018 Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple. REMEMBER - to win a door prize you need a 2018 #.
· Gardening Bags - we still have 6 left so if you want one see Pat McGill at Wednesday's meeting - cost is $15/bag.. Size is 15 inches high and 48 inches in diameter
· Spring Book Sale - don't forget to bring along any gardening book/magazines and/or novels that you have enjoyed to share. DVD's and CD's accepted as well!
If possible bring your books before the meeting - 6:30 onwards…and don't forget your cash to do some shopping!
· Fundy Gardener's Mystery Bus Trip - June 23
Jan Wilshaw will be collecting your $$ for our exciting MYSTERY TOUR - we'll depart at 07:30 am on June 23 for an "all day" adventure. Depending on the numbers interested -up to 24 Fundy Gardeners- the cost will be $55 or $60.00 (if we take the 19 passenger bus). This includes: bus fare, snacks, a healthy organic lunch, …and so much more! Please bring your cheque or
cash in the amount of $55 to secure your seat!!! As seating is limited this is being offered to Fundy Gardeners only at this time.
· As last month everyone seemed to bring along treats let's hope it happens again as only Connie Titus has signed up for food- thanks in advance Connie!
· Wear your 2018 name tag as we have many new members and this is how we get to know one another.
· As the March minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
· In the event of stormy weather and you're wondering if the meeting has been cancelled, please check either our Fundy Gardener Blog - or the Fundy Gardener Facebook page.
If the meeting has been cancelled it will be posted at both sites by 6 PM.
Let's hope the weather co-operates and I'll see everyone on April 4th.
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
This will be Part 1 of a 3 part series presented by Kate Frego, with part 2 in November, and part 3 in 2019.
· 50/50 Draw
2018 Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple. REMEMBER - to win a door prize you need a 2018 #.
· Gardening Bags - we still have 6 left so if you want one see Pat McGill at Wednesday's meeting - cost is $15/bag.. Size is 15 inches high and 48 inches in diameter
· Spring Book Sale - don't forget to bring along any gardening book/magazines and/or novels that you have enjoyed to share. DVD's and CD's accepted as well!
- Hardcover - $2.00
- Soft cover - $1.00
- Magazines - 50¢
If possible bring your books before the meeting - 6:30 onwards…and don't forget your cash to do some shopping!
· Fundy Gardener's Mystery Bus Trip - June 23
Jan Wilshaw will be collecting your $$ for our exciting MYSTERY TOUR - we'll depart at 07:30 am on June 23 for an "all day" adventure. Depending on the numbers interested -up to 24 Fundy Gardeners- the cost will be $55 or $60.00 (if we take the 19 passenger bus). This includes: bus fare, snacks, a healthy organic lunch, …and so much more! Please bring your cheque or
cash in the amount of $55 to secure your seat!!! As seating is limited this is being offered to Fundy Gardeners only at this time.
· As last month everyone seemed to bring along treats let's hope it happens again as only Connie Titus has signed up for food- thanks in advance Connie!
· Wear your 2018 name tag as we have many new members and this is how we get to know one another.
· As the March minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
· In the event of stormy weather and you're wondering if the meeting has been cancelled, please check either our Fundy Gardener Blog - or the Fundy Gardener Facebook page.
If the meeting has been cancelled it will be posted at both sites by 6 PM.
Let's hope the weather co-operates and I'll see everyone on April 4th.
Monday, March 5, 2018
Fundy Gardeners Meeting March 7th, 2018 -7 PM
Fundy Gardeners Meeting March 7th, 2018 -7 PM
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
Speaker: Gillian Gilmore, Athletic Therapist at Kenval Rehab
- Topic: "Preparing your body to Garden" - how to prevent injuries and helpful hints to get us ready physically for the gardening season.
- Display Table Theme: in January Janet Colwell kindly brought in paper whites for us to plant and enjoy. So Steve's asking you to bring photos (up to 6 on a thumb drive) of your paper whites in bloom - or any other bulbs you've forced. Let's enjoy some colour while not stressing our plants by bringing them to a meeting on a cold winter's night!
- 50/50 Draw
2018 Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple. REMEMBER - to win a door prize you need a 2018 #.
- Gardening Bags - many years ago Fundy Gardeners ordered canvas garden tote bags - see photo. Pat McGill has tracked down the maker and we will have 19 bags for sale at Wednesday's meeting at a cost of $15/bag. I can share that these bags are wonderful - so strong and will stand alone for easy filling with weeds, harvest or anything else you can think of. Size is 15 inches high and 48 inches in diameter
- Ordering Mushroom spawn - I received this note from Jamie Floyd - if interested in ordering please contact Jamie directly:
Time to Think About Ordering Mushroom Spawn for the Spring 2018 Season! Anyone who may be interested in growing shiitake, oyster or reishi mushrooms on hardwood logs this spring, please send me an email ( or give me a call at the SNB office (433-9860), or on my cell (432-1278). I will be ordering 2.5kg bags of loose sawdust spawn and the cost this year will be $35.00/bag. The company making the inoculation tools would like to know very soon how many tools to produce this season, so I would like to have the order completed by February 15. So please get back to me as soon as possible.
The bags of spawn will be shipped in early May and will be $35 for spawn, $65 for inoculation tool and $17 for cheese wax. The hardwood logs must be cut before the buds burst (winter cut wood is the best) and should be in 3-4 foot lengths and ~4"-6" in diameter. You will need around 20-25, 3'-4' logs and the denser/harder the wood the better (i.e. oak, beech, sugar maple, ironwood and yellow birch). White birch, grey birch and even alders, will work very well but their lifespan and overall production may not be as good as the tolerant or denser hardwoods.
Once the logs are inoculated, they should produce mushrooms 2-3 times/year (summer through till early fall) for up to 5 years! They won't produce any (or very few) this fall, as it takes one full year for the mushroom mycelium to invade the log, mature and build up enough strength, to be capable of fruiting/producing mushrooms. For further details and growing info, don't hesitate to get in touch with me. I have attached the inoculation instructions to provide you with some further details on the process.
Jamie Floyd
Jamie Floyd
- Wear your 2018 name tag as we have many new members and this is how we get to know one another.
- As the January minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
- In the event of stormy weather and you're wondering if the meeting has been cancelled, please check either our Fundy Gardener Blog - or the Fundy Gardener Facebook page.
If the meeting has been cancelled it will be posted at both sites by 6 PM.
- As last month everyone seemed to enjoy the popcorn, and as only the Perrys have signed up to bring treats in March - there will also be crunchy snacks and cold drinks served.
Let's hope the weather co-operates this month and I'll see everyone on March 7th.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Meeting February 7th
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Feb 7,2018 Exploring Our Roots - part 1 of 3 part series on plants.
Fundy Gardeners Meeting February 7th, 2018 -7 PM St. James the Less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
- Speaker: Dr. Kate Frego
- Topic: "Exploring Our Roots" - that's plants, not ancestral!
This will be Part 1 of a 3 part series presented by Kate Frego, with part 2 in November, and part 3 in 2019.
- In place of our Display Table Theme: last month Janet Colwell kindly brought in paper whites for us to plant and enjoy. So Steve's asking you to bring photos (up to 6 on a thumb drive) of your paper whites in bloom - or any other bulbs you've forced. Let's enjoy some colour while not stressing our plants by bringing them to a meeting on a cold winter's night!
- 50/50 Draw
2018 Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple. REMEMBER - to win a door prize you need a 2018 #.
- Gardening Bags - many years ago Fundy Gardeners ordered rugged canvas garden tote bags - see photo. Pat McGill has tracked down the maker and we will have 19 bags for sale at Wednesday's meeting at a cost of $15/bag. I can share that these bags are wonderful - so strong and will stand alone for easy filling with weeds, harvest or anything else you can think of. Size is 15 inches high and 48 inches in diameter
- Ordering Mushroom spawn - I received this note from Jamie Floyd - if interested in ordering please contact Jamie directly:
Time to Think About Ordering Mushroom Spawn for the Spring 2018 Season! Anyone who may be interested in growing shiitake, oyster or reishi mushrooms on hardwood logs this spring, please send me an email ( or give me a call at the SNB office (433-9860), or on my cell (432-1278). I will be ordering 2.5kg bags of loose sawdust spawn and the cost this year will be $35.00/bag. The company making the inoculation tools would like to know very soon how many tools to produce this season, so I would like to have the order completed by February 15. So please get back to me as soon as possible.
The bags of spawn will be shipped in early May and will be $35 for spawn, $65 for inoculation tool and $17 for cheese wax. The hardwood logs must be cut before the buds burst (winter cut wood is the best) and should be in 3-4 foot lengths and ~4"-6" in diameter. You will need around 20-25, 3'-4' logs and the denser/harder the wood the better (i.e. oak, beech, sugar maple, ironwood and yellow birch). White birch, grey birch and even alders, will work very well but their lifespan and overall production may not be as good as the tolerant or denser hardwoods.
Once the logs are inoculated, they should produce mushrooms 2-3 times/year (summer through till early fall) for up to 5 years! They won't produce any (or very few) this fall, as it takes one full year for the mushroom mycelium to invade the log, mature and build up enough strength, to be capable of fruiting/producing mushrooms. For further details and growing info, don't hesitate to get in touch with me. I have attached the inoculation instructions to provide you with some further details on the process. Regards, Jamie Floyd PLEASE TAKE NOTE:
- Wear your 2018 name tag as we have many new members and this is how we get to know one another.
- As the January minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
- In the event of stormy weather and you're wondering if the meeting has been cancelled, please check either our Fundy Gardener Blog -
or the Fundy Gardener Facebook page.
If the meeting has been canceled it will be posted at both sites by 6 PM.
- As last month everyone seemed to enjoy the popcorn, and no one signed up to bring treats in February - there will be crunchy snacks and cold drinks once again.
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