Sunday, September 3, 2017

September 6th Meeting and year BBQ


St. James the Less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.

Speaker:       Philip Savage from Savage Gardens

Topic:   - " Storing & Using the Bounty from your Garden"
Philip will share tips on cold storage, drying and freezing vegetables as well as different ways to prepare veggies to enrich your daily diet.
Philip will also bring fresh veggies to sell so bring along your $$.

Display Table Theme:  Wild arrangements

Show and Tell Table – please share any gardening tips, happenings, blooms etc. from your gardens

50/50 Draw

2017 Garden Tours - Our final tour of the season will take place at the home of Duncan & Betty Kelbaugh, 300 Model Farm Rd. on Sunday, September 10. Once again Brunswick Nurseries will hold their "super sale" from 3 to 5 PM, where Fundy Gardeners receive a great discount  - don't forget to show your membership card, then off to Duncan's for our year end BBQ and garden tour.
Fundy Gardeners will provide BBQ hamburgers and hotdogs - please bring along an appetizer or dessert to share..

  • This month thanks to Holly Haines, Elaine Hooper and Juliette Nowlan there will be refreshments.
  • Members are encouraged to bring along "bounty" from your gardens to share - i.e.: salsa, cut veggies, preserves on crackers, etc.  
  • As the minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
  • Don't forget to wear your name tag!

Hope to see everyone on September 6!!.