Monday, November 30, 2015

FUNDY GARDENERS' Annual Christmas Pot Luck

 Annual Christmas Pot Luck
         Wednesday, December 2 at 6:30 pm
          St. James the Less Church
We will be providing one turkey, ham and pork loin BUT we still need main dishes, veggies and salads, followed by desserts!!
Please bring your own plates, cutlery and cups.
If you can, please bring a table decoration and a door prize. If we have enough door prizes, we will have a Yankee Swap.
A  photo display of our gardening year will be shown 
Paula Manuel will be available for memberships - Single - $20: Family - $30.
Cheers to all, hope to see you at the Pot Luck!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Alex Eaton , the Horticulturalist for the Town Of Hampton

November 4, 2015 at 7 pm St. Lukes Parish Hall, 12 Quispamsis Rd  

Speaker:Alex Eaton , the Horticulturalist for the Town Of Hampton. He will talk to us about the beautification of Hampton Horticulture 
Display Table: Lest We Forget - people's choice award 
Door prizes: Please sign up  with your 2014-2015 membership # at the door when you arrive. 
Workshop: Christmas Pot workshop, November 24, 2 -4 or 6 - 8 pm, Shades of Green 
Fees of $20 must be paid ahead at the Nov. meeting to secure your place. Spaces limited to 12 for each session - first to pay gets the space. See Paula to pay.  


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Oct Guest Speaker- Growing Wild Blueberries-McKay's Blueberries

Bonnie and Russ Weir -Owners of McKays Blueberries will be speaking on growing blueberries
See article below.

This months contest is Table Top Arrangement in a Pumpkin

Thursday, September 10, 2015


The BBQ and tour at Duncan and Betty Kelbaugh's, and the sale at Brunswick Nurseries prior to it,  on Sunday, September 13th, has been cancelled for this year due to the recent fire at the Kelbaugh home. We look forward to resuming our annual visit next year and we send best wishes for a speedy repair of their property.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Please note that this is a FORMAL NOTICE of proposed changes. The purpose of these revisions is to better reflect our current situation and to have more general statements rather than specific details that may become outdated. Please take the time to inform yourself of the proposed changes as they will be presented for your vote at the August 5 meeting.

 Enjoy your gardens,
 Pat McGill, President

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

To Market, To Market, To Buy...Local ....Monthly meeting- July 8

St. Luke's Parish Hall -  12 Quispamsis Rd - 7 pm
Guest speaker will be Brian Irving of the Queens square market.

Display Table Theme: Summer Floral arrangement
People's Choice Award - gift certificates

Purely Homemade and Savage Gardens will have products for sale

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Boot (Trunk) Plant Sale

First ever.
Wednesday, June 17  6:30 pm
Qplex Parking Lot
An opportunity to sell plants, pots, tools, etc. Open to all members and the public. Please help to advertise this,

Fundy Gardeners first Boot (Trunk) Plant Sale at f months meeting.
Start digging and fill your boots with plants for the sale.
Details will be posted prior to the meeting.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Kings County Historical & Archival Society, Inc.

The Kings County Historical & Archival Society, Inc., will hold a plant sale on Saturday, May 16th at the Midland Community Hall, 8 Upper Midland Road, just off Route 124, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  There will be annuals, perennials, bushes, trees, and gardening curiosities for sale.  If you have items to donate to the sale, please take them to the Midland Hall on Friday evening (15th) or early Saturday morning.  Proceeds will go to the operation of the Kings County Museum.  All will be welcome.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Garden of Dreams 2015 Get Going,Get Growing

Fundy Gardeners is planning its fifth conference and trade show, “Garden of Dreams“, on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at Kennebecasis Valley High School, Quispamsis.

Our speakers will be

Dr. Kate Frego is a Professor of Biology at UNBSJ, a renowned teacher and mentor and a very popular speaker with Fundy Gardeners. Her talk “Leaves: The Power behind the Flower” will enlighten and amuse us.

Neville McKay is an international speaker, celebrity florist and the co owner of My Mother’s Bloomers in Halifax. Neville will display his flair for creative design in floral arrangements. YouTube Facebook

Todd Boland is a Research Horticulturist at the Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden. Todd is the author of several books on horticulture. His latest book, The Wildflowers of New Brunswick, is the subject of his talk.

Event Program (Click to Download Program)

Directions to the Event:

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Harbour Breezes -Allan Banks - Japanese Iris- April-1,2015

Owner Allan Banks of Harbour Breezes Daylilies is located in Salmon River Bridge, on Nova Scotia’s eastern shore. With three acres to landscape, and to grow plants. Development of the property is ongoing and will be for the foreseeable future.
Pathways, rock walls, and stairways lead visitors in and out of a variety of formal, semi-formal,
Japanese style and eclectic gardens. Beside daylilies, other perennials, shrubs, sculptures, garden structures, and buildings add to the interest of the garden. We are also trying our hand at raising honeybees.

Our gardens begin growth early in the spring but slow during the summer due to fog, cloud cover and cool overnight temperatures. Additionally, freeze-thaw cycles in winter and early spring can damage some of the more tender daylilies. Cooler summer temperatures can negatively affect heat-sensitive varieties like many doubles, as well as blooms with thickly crimped edges or toothed daylilies. Due to a lack of snow cover and harsh freeze-thaw cycles, we believe the varieties of daylilies that we sell are very hardy.

Friday, February 27, 2015

FUNDY GARDENERS' MARCH 4TH MEETING: Climbers and Structures- Bob Osborne

FUNDY GARDENERS' MARCH 4TH MEETING: The next meeting will be held at St. Luke's Parish Hall, 12 Quispamsis Rd. Due to all the snow banks, you may want to carpool, but we do want to see everyone and we will wish for Spring together as we listen to our speaker, Bob Osborne, from Cornhill Nursery, who will be speaking about Climbers and Structures. The display table theme this month is St. Paddy's, and the winner of a gift certificate will be chosen by People's Choice voting during the break; all are encouraged to participate.

Our business meeting will include an update about the Garden of Dreams to be held May 2nd. We will be looking for your input and help. Ten people participated in the obelisk workshop and Art Scott is reminding us that there are 4 more items available, one already constructed and 3 kits - cost of $30. The next workshop will be held on Saturday, May 30th at 10 am ( site TBD ) with Harvey Wrightman, the topic being Trough Gardening with Alpines.Check your calendars to see if you will be available as we will be taking names. Our treasurer, Paula, Manuel, will be there to renew memberships.

See you at the meeting, Pat McGill

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 4th Garden Club Meeting

February 4th Garden Club has been cancelled due to weather ,road conditions and wishing everyone to be safe.  We will see everyone in March.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sussex High School Garden Feb 4,2014

Danny Reicher Will be speaking on the Sussex High School Garden.

SUSSEX — Several hundred pounds of fresh produce was donated to the Sussex Sharing Club last week straight from the garden in front of Sussex Regional High School. Danny Reicker’s agriculture class began the first fall harvest from the garden on the afternoon of Sept. 9 with representatives of the food bank on hand. “One thing we’re always short on is perishable goods,” Alfie Smith, president of the sharing club, told students before they got their hands dirty pulling carrots, beets and potatoes. Reicker roughly estimated 500-plus pounds of carrots and 300 pounds of potatoes were delivered. The sharing club runs a food bank and store on Eveleigh Street. “It’s really great to have the fresh foods to give out,” said Lois King, the club’s administrator. The food bank usually gets fresh produce from Moncton. Smith said they aren’t often able to get potatoes for those who come to the food bank. Earlier this year, King said there were 200 household registered who could use the food bank service. She estimated the food donated will last about two months, helping cover the Thanksgiving period.  King expressed her appreciation for the work done by Reicker and the students. Reicker’s class had planted the garden in the spring

Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 7th-Guest Speaker -Stephen Langille

  • Happy New Year to Fundy Gardeners
  • The next meeting is on Wednesday, January 7th at 7 pm at St. Luke's Parish Hall, 12 Quispamsis Rd. 
  • We will have our first monthly display table and we ask the members to bring a Winter Arrangement. Members will pick a People's Choice award and you must have a 2015 membership to enter. Our treasurer, Paula Manuel, will be there to renew memberships. At the business portion of the evening the executive will propose a yearly budget for your input and approval. Please come out for an evening of garden fun as we begin our 20th year of celebration. Stay warm and safe, Pat McGill.
Guest Speaker -Stephen Langille, President of the Saint John Horticultural Society, will present an overview of their extensive activities, past and present.