Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nov 2013 Guest Speaker -Tzigane Caddell

The ABC’s of Landscape Design: Assessment; Balance and Clarity

Tzigane Caddell has a long standing relationship with Fundy Gardeners as both a founding member and past president. She worked at Brunswick Nursery from 1990 to 1997, leaving in 1998 to open her own landscape business - Tzigane Caddell Design. When not digging in the dirt, Tzigane continues to apply her great eye for composition and colour to her fibre art - rug hooking and knitting. She's one talented lady!

How to approach a New-to-You landscape: whether it’s Bringing it Back from the Brink, or Tackling the Tabula RasaShe will discuss techniques in assessing the landscape; creating a balance of form; and having a clear vision when planning your landscape.