In view of the current weather (pouring rain and cold) and the forecast (pouring rain and cold), the Big Dig will be moved to tomorrow – Sunday, June 10th – same time, same place. For those dedicated gardeners who don’t mind getting mud on their boots and believe that the very best time to move a plant is in the rain, you are still welcome to come today but helpers, advisors and food will only be available tomorrow. I wil be happy to provide hot tea and coffee in the “foyer” and lighten your wallet.
Pat McKinney
If your looking for something to do in the rain
Rhodo Weekend: Lecture: Rhododendrons & Azaleas: Well-known photographer and rhododendron enthusiast FREEMAN PATTERSON discusses his favourite varieties, planting tips, and cultural methods. We have a great collection of beautiful and interesting rhodos and azaleas to offer you.
Saturday mornings at 10am, rain or shine.