Sunday, June 20, 2010

Peter and Lynn Kinsella's Garden Tour

Peter and Lynn's Garden Tour on Weds evening June 16th The sign says it all . Peter claims there are at least four hundred and fifty Hosta's depending on the day. Peter's handy work bottom photo left plus the famous flower photo right.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Garden Tours June 9th

This seasons tours have stared off at Else Holler's home with Bob Osborne from Cornhill Nursery gaving a guided tour of the  garden.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Freeman Pattersons Woodland And Bog Garden Tour

On May 22 and on the 26 the members of the Fundy Gardeners were treated to a tour of the Woodland and Bog Gardens of follow club member Freeman Patterson. Both tours were well attended. the groups were split into two. One group went with Joanne ( the real boss ) touring the Woodland Gardens and while the other group went with Freeman touring the Bog garden switching half way through. The weather for the Saturday tour was great and a some plants were almost ready to bloom and others were in their spring glory.
The second tour day on Weds was a grayish over cast morning. The Azaleas and Rhododendrons started to bloom with blue poppy arriving just for our visit.

Saturday's Group
Weds group below